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Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB)
As of September 2018 the Subsidy program will no longer exist, in it’s place is the new Affordable Child Care Benefits. One of the biggest changes to the new funding is that the threshold earnings per 2 income families is now $111,000.00
Try out the ‘online estimator’ which will tell you approximately what you would receive per month. You can also use the ‘apply online’ link to make your application online, no more faxing or mailing documents in. The Government is working to make the application process as seamless and easy as they can for families. Can’t hurt to spend a few minutes to see how much you qualify for!
Link provided for all things health related; Healthy eating, physical activity, health services, discussion topics, tools , resources, and more!
​Island Health - Child Care Licensing
Information containing the Child Care Act, what we as a Centre are legislated to provide, contact information at Licensing.
School District 61
Here is the link to our school district.
Queen Alexandra Centre for Children's Health
Island Health at Queen Alexandra (QA) Centre for Childrens Health is one of our partners in creating inclusive care for all children.
Strawberry Vale Elementary School
Here is the link to our school's website.
Strawberry Vale Elementary School PAC
Attached is the PAC's website, which contains up to date activity calendars, upcoming fundraisers and events, and PAC meeting details at Strawberry Vale Elementary School. PAC-Overview PAC contact:
If my child does not attend Strawberry Vale Elementary, can they still attend your Out of School Care programs?"Only children attending Strawberry Vale Elementary may attend our Before and After school care programs and professional development days. Camp programs (Spring, Winter, and Summer) will be open to all school aged children.
What are your hours of operation?Before School Care 7:30 am to 8:45 am Monday to Friday (school days) After School Care 2:45 pm to 5:30 pm. Monday to Friday (school days) Professional days 7:30 am to 5:30 pm Little Berries Preschool 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday to Friday Camp hours 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Are you licensed?We are licensed by the Island Health Authority (formerly VIHA) and follow the Childcare Licensing Regulations.
Are your staff qualified?All of our staff have completed the following: - Criminal Record check - First Aide / CPR - Minimum of 20 hours of education (as per Childcare Licensing Regulations) - All staff are 19 years of age or older -Some staff are Educational Assistant Qualified - Little Berries Preschool qualified ECE
Do you accept families whose child(ren) require additional support?We accept children with support needs, their family will be required to have approved funding for their child’s support worker through Supported Child Development at Queen Alexandra Hospital for Child). If your child is on their wait list we cannot offer you a space until they confirm funding. (Please visit our links and look for Supported Child Development QA, their website has information about funding and their application process, our Manager will also be happy to give you information as well.) Please note that we work hard to ensure that safety and well-being of ALL the children in our Programs, from time to time, we may have to ask a family to leave our Program if the child is unable to participate in the program regardless of their support level.
Do you accept Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB)?We accept families that have been authorized a monthly Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB) fee. Keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the family to apply for ACCB and subsequent renewals. Families are responsible for the full fees until such time as we have received the appropriate authorization from the Ministry.
What are your policies regarding arrival and pick up at your programs?Your child can only be signed out by an Authorized Pick Up person. This information is part of your registration information and may be added to at anytime however all requests must be made in writing. All children must be signed in by an adult (19 years or older).
What happens if I am late to pick up my child?Our closing time is 5:30 pm, should you arrive after that time, you are billed a late fee of $10.00 for each 15 minutes (or portion of) that you are late. If we have not heard from you we will attempt to call you and those on your emergency pick up list. For further information, please refer to our Parent Handbook or speak to a Program Coordinator or Manager directly.
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